Your hydrocarbon fuel experts.

Why Us?

Fuel and lubricants aren't just expenses; they're pivotal resources laden with Health, Safety, and Environmental implications. KellyFuel unveils the strategic value within, showcasing compliance effortlessly.

Strategic Insights Beyond Cost

We streamline the process of securing government entitlements by implementing robust systems across operations. Our thorough assessments maximise returns on credits, ensuring compliance without exemptions.

Government Compliance Made Simple

From initial engagement to the fuel life cycle, our assessments cover delivery, storage, and data optimisation. Every process is evaluated, deficiencies reported, and solutions provided, fostering confidence and compliance.

Comprehensive Oversight for Confidence

Understanding and implementing fuel-related policies are key. We specialise in seamless integration across all business levels, delivering best practices without disruption, ensuring confidence and compliance throughout.

Empowering Compliance Seamlessly

Our Services

Company Fuel Supply Tenders

Crafting, negotiating, and mediating fuel supply tenders. Our meticulous monitoring and quality analysis ensure that contracted supplies consistently meet your standards.

Policy and Process Development

Crafting and implementing tailored policies for corporate governance and refining procedures for efficient process, storage, and handling.

Flow Logistics Infrastructure

Turnkey design solutions encompassing all engineering disciplines, whether for brown or green field sites, conducting compliance audits for existing facilities, and ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations.

Fuel Management Process and Technologies

Providing a comprehensive analysis of fuel management processes and technologies, and a detailed comparison matrix of competitors and products to enable informed decision-making across new and existing technologies.

Hardware and System

Evaluating the suitability, application, and standardisation of hardware and system applications, unlocking many latent reduction in time, cost, and elevating safety across the total business

Hazardous Area Classification and Design

Investigation with knowledge is imperative, this service is subjective and essential. Electricity Safety Act and Regulations will require compliance with the AS/NZS 3000 wiring rules. Hazardous areas are classified in accordance with AS/NZS 60079.10. 1 or AS/NZS 60079.10.

Our Case Studies

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you about beginning the proposal process.